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Should You Sell Your Business Or Conduct A Retail Store Closing Sale

Selling Your Business

• Takes extended period to find qualified buyer
• Expense of brokerage and legal fees
• Dependency of broker to promote sale
• Hassel of negotiations
• Time wasted on unqualified buyer
• Justifying value of good will
• Buyer changes mind at last minute
• Inventory valued at discounted cost, not retail
• Commitment of time for transition of business
• No control over future image and reputation
• Often requires seller financing

Store Closing Sale

• Inventory discounted off retail price
• Avoids brokerage and legal fees
• Simple process with less administrative hassles
• Can be scheduled to fulfill lease requirements
• Promotional efforts are straight forward
• No commitment of your time to transition business
• 100% Cash
• Debts can be resolved
• No hassle of negotiations
• Real estate sells quicker when building is empty

A Store Closing Sale Is Often The Best Way To Exit Your Business