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Need help with your store closing sale plans?  We show you how to have a store closing sale.  Save when you conduct your own store closing or going out of business sale!


Do It Yourself – DIY Store Closing Plan

Image of people holding up the letters DIY for Store Closing Sale Plans article

DYI Store Closing Plans

Not every retailer needs to hire a professional store closing consultant to be on site during their Store Closing Sale. With solid store closing sale plans and an available source of good advice many small to medium size retailers can conduct their own Store Closing or Going Out of Business Sale.  You will achieve the same or better results than if they used a full time professional store closing consultant.  Better because they SAVE BIG!

Learn how to conduct your own Store Closing Sale, Going Out of Business Sale or Retirement Sale

After 35 years of retailing and 15 years of store closing sale consulting with small and medium retailers across the United States,  I’m ready to share the best store closing sale plans for retailers to conduct their own store closing or going out of business sale. It can save you big bucks and achieve the same or better results that using an on site professional store closing consultant would. Ask about the DIY Plan

Call Now 520-305-9693 for Free Consultation!Image of Business with Store Closing signs for Store Closing Sale Plans article

Store Closing Sale Plans

Your “DIY” plan is developed from information you provide. It is customized to your needs and goals. It will provided detailed instructions on:

best time to run your store closing sale.
how long your store closing sale should run.
• what kind of sales volume to expect.
markdown strategy for store closing sales.
merchandising strategies.
• the sourcing and use of signs during your store closing sale.
• most effective marketing media.
selling fixtures and equipment.