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This is the time of year that you need to step back and evaluate where you and your retail business are going. 2017 is now behind us. Hope it was a good year for you. 2018 might be the year you should consider a Retirement Store Closing Sale.

For many small retailers, 2018 may be the right time to exit their business. Retailing has changed drastically in the past 5 – 6 years. The internet has effected everyone. It will continue to do so as we move forward. It gets harder and harder to run a profitable brick and mortar operation.

When you consider the number of hours an independent small retailer puts into their business you have to ask if it’s really worth it.

Many of the small independent retailers who have ran successful operations are reaching that age that they are finding it difficult to find the energy to get everything done. It’s difficult to keep the business going and profitable.  As more and more baby boomers are reaching those golden years.They have discovered that it is extremely difficult to sell the business that they grew.

Small independent businesses are tough to sell because so much of the personality of the business is that of the owner. When the owner leaves the business is just not the same. No one will work as hard to make sure that retail business is successful as the original owner.

If you fall into that category of a Baby Boomer whose energy is dwindling. Or do you just wants to have a life outside their store, we should talk. CCH Consulting can help you maximize your return from a Retirement Store Closing Sale. This is the time to start making those plans.