Exterior signs for your Store Closing Sale, Retirement Sale or Going Out of Business Sale can account for up to 20% of your store traffic.
The use of professional looking signs used on the exterior of the store should shout that you are closing your store. They should “shout” that message loud and clear. The types of signs most often used are: banners, window signs.
I recommend that you put the signs up a couple of days prior to the start of the sale. They act as a billboard to announce the coming event. Exterior signs, even though temporary, are often regulated by city sign ordinances. Each city has its own rules and fees. You are probably well aware of them if you have been in business for any length of time. When it comes to dealing with the city or in some cases your landlord, I’m a firm believer that it is a lot easier to ask for forgiveness after the fact than it is to get permission before putting up your signs.
Banners: You should use as large of banner as possible and in most cases hang that banner in the highest and most visible location on your building. Use colors that stand-out and are easy to read. A professional sign maker can provide guidance on which color combinations work best. I tend to use yellow/black, red/white, red/yellow or purple/gold combinations because many times these are available off the shelf or are colors that the sign makers carry in stock.
Window Signs: Window signs should also be as large as possible. They should provide information on the reason for the sale if possible – “Sale”, “Store Closing”, “Going-out-of-Business”. “Moving Sale”, “Retirement Sale”, “Everything Must Go” are all messages that can be used in your windows.