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Image of an email in an envelope with an arrow for Marketing Retirement Sales

Email is a fast efficient way to market retirement sales & store closing sales.

Email Marketing Retirement Sales & Store Closing Sales continues to be a key media in advertising for a Store Closing or Retirement sale.

Posted on May 13, 2017 by Chuck Haug

How to Improve your marketing retirement sales email response rate:

The response rate rate for email marketing will continue to improve if you follow a few basic rules.

1. Your subject line needs to be creative, but clear for the reader to understand.

2. Your email should contain only one message. That message should be short, direct and to the point.

3. Every email should contain an offer and a call to action.

Screen shot of a smart phone with 1 new message alert and a starck of envleopes Marketing Retirement Sales

A good subject line will increase your chances your marketing retirement sale email is opened!

Most of all, if you follow these three steps for email marketing for Store Closing Sales and Retirement Sales your opening rate will continue to increase.

Scanning Emails:

Since most people scan their emails instead of reading them. Therefore, they click through them very quickly.  As a result you only have a moment to catch their attention and deliver your message.

Secondly, over 65% of all Store Closing or Marketing Retirement Sales emails are opened on a smart phone.  In addition the reader is mobile and moving on.

In conclusion, to discuss marketing retirement sales & store closing sales call Chuck at CCH Consulting today at 520-305-9693. 

In addition do you need more information on retirement sales?  Then go here.