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Email Marketing For Store Closing Sales

Currently email marketing has become my media of choice when my client has a good customer email list.

Image of an envelop email marketing for your going out of business sale

Email marketing for your store closing sale

imagesThere are a couple of reasons why:

•  Low cost – emailing is almost free.

•  Fast turnaround – an email created and sent the same day.

•  Effectiveness – the opening rate on a well designed email is in the 40 – 50% range.

•  Frequency – emails sent multiple times.

•  Targeted delivery times – you choose the time your message will be delivered.

Emailing your store closing sale will not be effective unless you have a good customer email list. I have yet to have success purchasing a email list.

There are several very good companies out there that make it easy to send effective emails.

Constant Contact – constant contact.com

Mail Chimp – mailchimp.com

Vertical Response – verticalresponse.com

Emma* – myemma.com