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When Is The Best Time To Run A Store Closing Sale?

When Is The Best Time To Run A Store Closing Sale?

 When Should You Run Your Store Closing Sale?Your peak selling period is usually the best time to run an Inventory Reduction Sale or Store Closing Sale. Most retailers say, “but why? We will be giving away margin.” f you follow good pricing tactics you will more than...
Tips On Writing A Store Closing Sales Letter

Tips On Writing A Store Closing Sales Letter

 To be successful with direct mail when running a store closing sale or going out of business sale here are some tips that will increase your response rate:• At the top of your letter use a powerful headline that shouts the most important benefit you offer. You should...
Postcards Work Well For Store Closing Sale

Postcards Work Well For Store Closing Sale

Why do customers like postcards so much?•It’s easy to see at a glance what it is about.•It isn’t perceived as ‘wasteful’ like a lengthy or elaborate direct mail piece.•It doesn’t take up too much time for customers to read it.•It’s easy to keep handy if a customer...
Marketing Tools for A Store Closing Sale

Marketing Tools for A Store Closing Sale

You have just made the decision that it’s time to close your retail business. In most cases some of the primary reasons you have made that decision are that business is declining, your customer count is way down and your advertising is not working. So, how are you...
Store Closing Sale Promotional Plan

Store Closing Sale Promotional Plan

You have made the decision. It’s time to close your retail business. In most cases the primary reasons you have made that decision is that business is declining. Your customer count is way down.Your advertising is not working.So, how are you going to sell your entire...